
The New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) advances civil rights and civil liberties so that all New Yorkers can live with dignity, liberty, justice, and equality.


Founded in 1951 as the New York state affiliate of the national ACLU, our work is rooted in the unrealized promise of the Bill of Rights and the U.S. and New York State Constitutions. With eight offices across the state and more than 90,000 member-donors, we connect movements across complex issues, informed by our communities and powered by our supporters.


The ACLU has been the nation's guardian of liberty since 1920, working in courts, legislatures, and communities to defend individual rights and liberties. The NYCLU is the ACLU’s New York state affiliate. While the NYCLU is part of and draws from the powerful nationwide ACLU network, it is the NYCLU’s independent responsibility to advance rights and liberties within our state.

Student activists holding signs that spell out

Our Team

We are a passionate team of justice-seekers working to make New York a fairer place. Together, we advance structural change through an expert mix of litigation, policy advocacy, field organizing, and strategic communications.

Map of New York color coded with NYCLU's regions.

Our Regional Offices

To help us protect the rights of every New Yorker, we have regional offices across the state. These offices are dedicated to tackling local issues as well as coordinating and advancing the NYCLU’s statewide campaigns.

Centers at the NYCLU

Our centers bring together our major tools -- strategic litigation, policy advocacy, and field organizing -- within dedicated units. The NYCLU's centers tackle standout issues that intersect with all others.

Student activists holding signs at a rally. The signs say

Education Policy Center

The NYCLU fights for every child’s right to an education. The Education Policy Center works to ensure public schools and institutions that serve young people in New York empower students, treat them fairly and equally, and create safe environments for them to learn and grow.

Black Lives Matter Rally on steps of City Hall

Racial Justice Center

The Racial Justice Center is committed to eliminating racism and advancing racial justice in every corner of New York. We ensure a focus on racism is baked into the strategic decisions we make and the campaigns we take on.

Our History

The NYCLU was founded in 1951 in response to threats from McCarthyism. Since then, the NYCLU has been involved in some of the most consequential civil liberties struggles and victories.

Financials & Annual Report

Our annual reports explore of our wins in the courts, on the streets, and in the legislature, including interviews with staff and deep dives into our strategic initiatives. You’ll also find important financial information.

The NYCLU is incorporated under the laws of the State of New York, with its principal place of business on occupied Munsee Lenape territory in New York, New York.

As bold as the spirit of New York, we are the NYCLU.
© 2024 New York
Civil Liberties Union